8 Ways to Help Families in the Hospital

by Tracy Felix

We have all known someone in the hospital. For our friends and family, they know how frequently we go to the hospital, and I doubt that any of them are surprised when we go back in.

tracyHere are a few ways that you can support someone that is in the hospital:

Make a meal. Nothing complicated, something they can just reheat. Bring it to them in the hospital or to family members still at home.

Pray. This seems obvious. Actually do it, though. Don’t just say you are on social media. There is power in prayer.

Call or text. Calling is more comforting, but they may be busy and don’t have time to talk. Shoot a text or email, just to let them know that you are thinking about them. Don’t expect a response.

Offer to help at home. Usually the professionals have things covered at the hospital, but everything at home gets put on hold. Offer to do wash, sweep and mop, or clean the bathroom. Don’t judge how it looks at first; just try to make it better.

Help take care of siblings. We have a few friends and family members who offer to take care of our other child every time one of them has to stay at the hospital. This means so much to us.

Pack a lunch for the spouse to take to work. In our case, my hubby misses that part about me when we are in the hospital.

Ask to visit. You don’t need to bring anything, just find time. Ask them first, though. They may be busy. There is nothing sweeter then being able to wrap your arms around a friend in need and squeezing. Let them know that you are there for them.

Offer to bring things from their home. They may have been so rushed to get to the hospital that they forgot something. If you don’t feel comfortable going to their house, then pick up whatever they need at the store.

This list contains just a few things. The main thing is to put yourself in their shoes. What if you had to drop whatever you were doing and leave? What would you need with you? What would you forget? What would you want from your friends and family if you had a child in the hospital? What would your house look like if you dropped everything and left?

Author: Tracy Felix • Date: 11/19/2014

About the Author

Tracy is a mother of two, with the oldest having X-linked hydrocephalus. This is a rare genetic mutation that causes the fluid in the head to not drain properly. She knew while she was still pregnant with him that he was going to be a very complex and special kid. She had been searching for other kids like hers and in the process she started a blog and a Facebook page to try and use social media to connect with others. Along the way she has come across so many great people with disabilities or people who are caring for someone with disabilities. She hopes to inspire and help others get through this crazy life through her writing and pictures, so they know they are not alone and that there is hope. Follow their story on Facebook.

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