Help a Caregiver Today

by Stacey Anderson

Great news and happy tears as I glance at my thriving, joyous boy. Lump in my throat as I reminisce of the last about seven years that changed my life, literally not knowing what tomorrow would bring.

But, I bring you this:

I encourage you to reach out to a caregiver this holiday season who is caring for a child with medical complexity or an elderly/ill family member. Someone around you needs a little break! Consider this your final push or that tap on your shoulder from up above.

These people are saints, they are strong, God has made them different than you. They were given a little extra patience topped with a deep, different faith. But, like you, they also require peace, laughter, and time of rest and reflection. The days are long, much longer than yours. The nights can be short, trust me…sleep deprivation is horrible. So follow your gut and reach out. Skip the mind numbing scrolling through Facebook time, stay up 30 minutes later, or trade your Jimmy Kimmel time to give back. Your gift of time or a quiet, non-judgmental listening ear would brighten their day.

I know, I know, it’s awkward. There are the folks that don’t know what to say. That’s what I’m here for, so let’s practice.

“Hi Jane, how are YOU doing? I know this call (ha, caught you…don’t even think about a text or email) is unexpected, but you were on my mind this week with Christmas and all…how can I make your day better? I’m not an expert, but I would be happy to sit with John for a bit so you can recharge. If you are not comfortable, I understand, my offer always stands. Would you mind if I dropped off a pizza Tuesday night or brought you a Starbucks tomorrow morning. I know things are hectic, I don’t have to stay.” See, easy peasy.

Don’t just like posts or comment “prayers.” (It’s the thought that counts?) The few that have the guts to reach out or stop their busy lives do not come off as nosey.

This was on my mind, giving back, what this season is for. Reach out! We all know SOMEONE who could use you this week. The best part is you will be so very blessed. Doing good always (not just on Sundays) is being noticed. No need to boast or brag, keep it in your heart. Oh, tell them that Stacey and Chase sent you!

Author: Stacey Anderson • Date: 11/17/2017

About the Author

Stacey Anderson is a proud mother of two boys, Trent (17), Chase (7), and Star (Chocolate Lab, 2). She embraces life as a solo parent, after life took an unexpected turn in 2010 when Chase was born with special needs. Besides having a fondness for small coffee shops and thrift stores, Stacey adores writing. She shares her journey and new found strength through online articles and a recent contribution in Monday Coffee and Other Stories. Her passion is to encourage change and promote advocacy in the world of disability.

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